Google Chrome is a popular web browser on Android. It’s free and easy to use, and it has a lot of features that make it a great choice for online browsing. To keep your Google Chrome running smoothly on Android, you need to keep its settings up-to-date. Here are some tips to help you do that:

  1. Update your Google Chrome app: The latest version of Google Chrome is available as an app on Android devices. You can update it by going to the Google Play Store and searching for “Google Chrome.” Once you’ve installed the latest version, open it and click on the “Update” button at the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Check for updates in your browser: If you’re using an older version of Google Chrome, you may need to check for updates every time you update your device. To do this, open Google Chrome and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the window that say “Check for Updates.” After you’ve checked for updates, close Google Chrome and restart your device.
  3. Use a different browser: If you don’t want to use Google Chrome every time you want to browse the web, try using another web browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Opera.

Similar to updating Chrome on a desktop, you’ll need an active internet connection on your Android phone. This is because the browser updates are downloaded from the internet.

RELATED: How Often Does Google Update Chrome?

Update Chrome on Android Phones and Tablets

To start the Chrome update process, launch Google Play Store on your Android phone.

Tap the Play Store’s search box, type “Google Chrome” (without quotes), and press Enter. Then choose “Google Chrome” from the search results.

On Chrome’s app page, tap “Update” to update the browser.

If you don’t see the “Update” button, your Chrome version is already up to date, and you don’t have to do anything.

To allow Chrome to find and install its updates automatically in the future, enable the automatic update option. To do so, on the Chrome app page, tap the three dots in the top-right corner.

If the box isn’t checked, activate the “Enable Auto Update” option.

And that’s all.

With Chrome’s updated version, you now have the latest bug fixes, new features, as well as general performance enhancements. Enjoy an upgraded web browser on your device!

If you’re trying to solve a problem with Chrome and it still isn’t fixed, consider forcing an update to the Google Play Store itself, or updating Google Play Services.